puts "Make sure you remember this day."

🥑 Appetizer

Writing a daily diary has been my favorite activity for the past month. This is a culture from the company that I worked for that I applied to my personal life. I think this activity affects me (in a good way of course). Are you interested in doing it?

🥩 Main Course

How was your day?

That’s one powerful question I got daily — on weekdays — from the team in a company that I worked for. Every day, from 4.45 to 5.30 pm, we will have a Show and Tell meeting session. In this meeting, every person on the team will present what they have been working on for the day or something interesting that happens on that day. We can also use this session to ask for help, raise concerns, clear some paths, etc.

It’s such a unique and fun thing to do. So I was like: “Why don’t I apply it to my personal life? Write how was my day in a diary?”. And here I’m, one month passed of doing it, and still going strong. I’m always happy writing it and happy to be able to recall my days, whether it was an amazing or a bad day.

Diary Book

I use Joyko for my diary book, A6 size because it’s compact, with red color because… I don’t know, it seems kinda cool and has a mysterious vibe 😅

So, after reading this post, are you already make-up your mind?

🍰 Desert

That’s it for today’s post, folks!

Quoting one of the most famous phrases in software engineering: “It works on my machine”, I hope this activity also “works” on your “machine”!