puts "What a classic stereotype!"

🥑 Appetizer

Hello, there! Welcome aboard!

Welcome to this (super simple) blog. Here, I will be sharing some tutorials, tips, or just some info related to techs, films, music, designs, or anything that pops from my mind.

Why am I doing this? Simple, as they said: “The best way to learn is to teach”. I think it’s cool if I can share my knowledge. I think it’s amazing if others can benefit from what I know. For me, there’s a happy feeling every time I help/teach my friends.

Enough with the little chit-chat, let’s continue to the next section, shall we?

🥩 Main Course

Nothing fancy on this first post. I’m just going to share with you the general structure of my posts, which will look like this:

  1. Code Snippet

    At the top of every post — below the post title itself — you will see a Ruby programming language code snippet. Yeah, I love Ruby 💎

    It will be my signature. As Pandji Pragiwaksono said: “A little bit different, is better, than a little bit better”. Sometimes it’s just pure gibberish. At another time it’s something that’s related to the post itself.

  2. Appetizer

    Here, I will tell you the bigger picture of a post. Some kind of synopsis you may say. I don’t want to waste your precious time reading my whole post that doesn’t interest you. Just read the synopsis, interest you enough? Keep going. No? Read something else!

  3. Main Course

    After you have already finished eating the 🥑 Appetizer, let’s move to the crème de la crème of a post. Here, I will share the detailed narration of a post. I hope you still stay until the end.

  4. Desert

    Everything that has started must be closed, right? Picture this as a closing statement. Some refreshment for your mouth as you just eat the 🥩 Main Course. I hope you are full of knowledge after this.

🍰 Desert

I think that’s it for today’s post. I don’t have anything else to say. Stick up for the next posts, okay?

Thank you for passing by. I hope this blog will benefit you.

Cheers 🥂